Require a prescription if you would like your insurance billed, otherwise we offer competitive cash prices.
Our patient care coordinators will help with obtaining necessary paperwork from your podiatrist and/or primary care physician.
2.5-week turnaround time from initial fitting to receiving your diabetic footwear.

We also offer custom molded shoes as well as a variety of shoe modifications (examples but not limited to):
- Sach Heel
- Rocker Bottome
- Shoe Lifts
- Shoe Flares & Wedges
- Relasting of Shoe

What sets us apart from national and local competition?
- We can schedule your first appointment and your final fitting at our clinic, at your doctor’s office or at your home (no extra charge)
- We can mismatch shoe sizes and widths to accomodate your feet independently.
- Having issues with your shoes or insoles? All necessary adjustments can be made in our workshop located in Greenfield, WI.
- Anodyne Shoes is our primary diabetic shoe vendor. If Anodyne shoes are unable to accommodate your feet, we are contracted with other vendors and as a last resort, we can provide you with custom shoes